Saturday, December 27, 2014

Will a World Government be feasible, fair and timely? The answer is YES.

This is the extremely brief summary of the present website, which admittedly is not neutral at all concerning such a controversial subject. At least for now — i.e., unless the opposite can be proven — the website is completely favorable to the creation of a global governance, something feasible if a prudent, deft and democratic method of construction is used in order to do so. Moreover, it is with tireless insistence that we defend the matter, as criticism is everywhere.

The website has chosen a more journalistic than erudite (or academic) communication style, for example dividing a long article, which grammatically should have consisted of one very long and dense paragraph, into two or three ones. However, such “slicing” shall never affect the substance of whatever is being exposed. Its primordial purpose is to convince the largest possible number of readers — of all ages and social status —, including people who are usually distant from the more sophisticated legal and political analysis of the subject but who are still interested in planetary problems which can affect everyone.

Talking to people from a varied number of professions, from time to time we are impressed by the level of seriousness of their concerns. People who are not teaching in universities just because the need to find a job so soon in life prevented them from going themselves to college. There are many people who are supposedly unlearned but have much more common sense than people with a bachelor´s degree. I`ve heard someone say, “That person got more instructions than his brain could withstand”.

Nevertheless, the website shall welcome with open arms any eventual observations and theoretical articles from people who are experts or well versed on the subject even if they are totally opposed to any kind of universal governance. There shall always be a number of readers who are more demanding, learned and intellectually honest and who are sincerely convinced that a “world” (or “global” or “universal”) government can inevitably be dangerous: — “Who can save us from a global dictatorship if every country is in the dictator´s hands?”

This people consider it is preferable to have an unorganized and tense but free world — even if with occasional slaughtering (slaughtering) — than an organized and clockwork planet which becomes a mixture of Army headquarters and hospice for old people. Others might say that the idea is good but this is not the “right moment” yet. The truth is we are more than late. Smoke clouds darken the skies in the Middle East while rain clouds are either lacking or drowning entire cities, a consequence of our global inertia when it comes to defending the environment. How can we “make pressure” in this matter when each country can feel free to sign or skip the agreements?   
I admit that professors of International Public Law and Political Sciences are already well versed in the subject of “World Government”. However, even they can feel tempted or curious to look at articles written in a more journalistic style, articles that are more concerned with giving the reader the utmost clarity and understanding of the subject.

The importance of this subject exceeds any other when it comes to the need for security and a harmonious development of human activities. Security has little value when it is temporary and unreliable, as it currently is. A “crazy” decision a country makes can “pull the rug” under thousands of workers in other countries whether they are close or distant, leading to unemployment and other kinds of problems. “Totally distant” countries no longer exist. Moreover, something like that could apply even to highly qualified professionals.

The sense of uncertainty (financial, in the aforementioned example) causes distress on autonomous professionals, especially those who are of age and were unable to find “a place under the sun” or else to “suck on the government´s tits”, anything that might allow them to enjoy a dignified retirement without a drastic change in their way of living. The need to “get rich before getting old” — in Brazil, for instance — since the governamental pension plans are usually much worse than what´s “advertised” in terms of value (or number of minimum wages) —, has always been a great concern for workers in the private sector. And here we´re talking about the “intellectual elite without a monetary safeguard”, people who can still feel happy. They at least will have what to eat and won´t have to resort to begging on the streets.

The same cannot be said regarding millions of citizens. Looking today (August 2014) at pictures of refugees in Africa and the Middle East running away barefoot from irrational conflicts — leaving behind their homes, their belongings and their dead (s) —, there is only one possible conclusion: there´s an intolerable excess of things that are insanely wrong in this planet. A planet that aims to colonize Mars but at the same time is unable to stop murder, rape and mutilation of millions of people who kill one another motivated for any number of reasons, including religion.

Has the reader, by any chance, ever tried to understand why the Shia and Sunni hate each other? I´m not going to explain it here, but should you ever try it, you will certainly not believe it. The most incredible thing involving the three largest religions in the world – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – is that all three of them are monotheistic, believers of a single god who is considered an abstract being.

 All of them preach for patience, peace and love for the neighbors, but their believers have been so skillfully molded since childhood — a time when their still virgin neurons were able to keep forever whatever they learned — that some of them believe they have a moral obligation to convince, for better or worse, those who believe differently than them. And when convincing is not possible, killing the unfaithful is the achievement demanded by their god: — “And how could you go against a command from heaven?”

In an ambitious website such as this one, which is interested in achieving world peace connected to a larger progress — all the human energy directed to constructive ends —, it would be irrational and coward to avoid dealing with conflicts derived from religious beliefs, even if it is such an explosive topic. Ignoring this theme would be like leaving intact a time bomb whose “tick tack” is clearly heard. That — the disarming of the spirit - is the only reason why the religious matter – or at least the relation between religion and conflicts of a large scale - will be dealt with in the website.

The comforting, compassionate and philosophical side of a religion is one person´s intimate subject. But when this religion occasionally transforms itself into a means of oppression, or worse, the rest of humankind has the right to intervene – if only to eliminate the acid and poisonous part within the whole, which at least in theory is beautiful in its spirituality.

Everything that “elevates” man above the brutal animalistic characteristics is laudable — after all, every animal is selfish, except the dog regarding its owner —, as long as it doesn´t get to the point of ignoring that man is part of nature and is still an animal, albeit an animal improved by the aspiration for higher things, even if he can´t define with precision what those things are. And it is exactly for not knowing it that he searches for faith.

It is true that the human being is brilliant in many aspects, but he´s also stupid and defenseless when pointed towards the abyss — or earthly hell —, by some chiefs of state who, even though “completely nuts”, are still considered untouchable by the rest of the world, including the UN. Such unscrupulous leaders feel protected by the unbending veil of the absolute sovereignty of the country they rule — or else, to be more precise, plunder much more than govern.

In the theoretical plan, they invoke the sacrosanct sovereignty — something which is useful when used in the right proportion —, but in the concrete plan, they delight themselves with the feeling of power and the look of fear seen in the faces of their subjects, who have no else to turn to. And who could they turn to? A judge? No, because judges are also intimidated. After all, it is not uncommon for a judge to be nominated to a court by a ruler who then expects or even demands that he will return the favor when it is necessary.

In such a situation, sovereignty becomes ludicrous because, after all, the obligation of every government is to bring happiness to the population – and not exclusively to the “boss” and his “gang”. Besides, with the growing globalization it is no longer enough the well-being of one´s own citizens; it is also necessary to think, at least in some extent, of the well-being of the other citizens of the world. That´s because those who help may one day also need help. In any case, the world must be aware to prevent the wealth of a nation increasing at the expense of the suffering and impoverishment of the rest. Is that out of mere kindness? Of course not; it is due to wisdom and a greater vision.

— “Why this concern with the other? — Someone might ask. — “Isn´t it workload enough to care for your own citizens?”  No, it isn´t, because human beings have a prodigious memory when it comes to injuries and losses which are suffered and not atoned for. Only an equivalent and massacring retaliation “soothes one´s soul”.

The thing is: retaliation in excess — or even without excess —, generates a new cycle of retaliation, as no one can judge its own cause. Hence the imperious need for a solution to be taken from the hands of the “interested parties” (when they can´t reach one in reasonable time) and fall within the jurisdiction of a “superior authority” – regardless of such jurisdiction being judicial or not, what matters is that it is legally predicted —, which will presumably give the cause the fairest solution, or at least the most humane one possible.

This is what happens internally in the whole civilized world, with a result which is a thousand times superior to the right of using blunt force in the solution of conflicts. Thousands of judicial sentences are proclaimed every month in the entire planet and seldom the losing party resorts to killing its opponent or the judge responsible for the decision. Nevertheless, in a global scale — which is even more severe — a method as simple, practical and tested such as this, i.e., attributing to a third party the power to solve an issue, is not used.

Even among the UN members, any country which feels harmed by another one can only sue the latter with its assent. Knowing it is in the wrong, the harming country simply does not agree and that is it, period. Nothing happens. If it does, it is only through the uncontrolled use of force, with a lot of blood and destruction, especially of the weaker party.

No weak and isolated country declares formal war against a stronger country, as it knows it is going to lose, no matter how severe the offense it suffered was. Such impossibility of finding a “judge” to whom present a complaint is an invitation to terrorism, the last resort of those who don´t have a voice. This big blank in international law justifies in itself the interest in the discussion of the world government – or whatever different denomination it might have (after all it is not rare for “something” to be hated merely for the name it became known for).

A special example of how absurd such a matter is is the more-than-half-a-century old issue involving Israel and the Palestinians. The latter can´t complain in court against Israel at the International Court of Justice because the Palestine is not considered a “State”. The Palestinians are merely a “people”. In order for them to be accepted and seen as a “country”, they would need to have set borders. Such borders, of course, would have to be settled with the agreement of Israel, which prefers the more comfortable position of keeping the subject in an eternal discussion — so that it can´t be bothered by any dispute within the international court.

The aforementioned topic shall be a theme of this website not because it involves Jewish and non-Jewish people, but for its great relevance, as it is probably the issue with the greatest potential of leading to a world conflict once it starts involving other countries in a bellicose way. Even North Korea, with its nuclear bombs and its grotesque leader, presents a lesser risk to world peace, since it at least has an acknowledged border with South Korea – or at least there has never been anything different reported by the media.     
A good chunk of our planet doesn´t have a civilized method for solving the inevitable problems of coexistence. The most common method is to attack and retaliate. However, as Gandhi used to say, “The eye-for-an-eye tactic shall leave us all blind”. Hatred has never been a good advisor. What took decades or centuries to be built can be destroyed within years, months, days or even hours. Everybody has heard of the “Hundred Years´ War”, which lasted from 1337 to 1417  — i.e., actually lasting 116 years but rounded down — and involved France and England. Or maybe the “Thirty Years´ War”, which started in 1618 and involved many European nations.

Those wars at least had an excuse: there were no international courts at that time, such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, both located in The Hague. After the creation of both tribunals, there is no longer an honorable excuse for the inertia of the world regarding the prohibition of the use of blunt force or financial cunning in international conflicts. I mention the latter because a country can suffocate another without firing a single gunshot, simply through commercial and financial isolation.

Had there been an effective World Government in the 1930s, Hitler probably wouldn´t have been able to arm Germany in such a gigantic scale, something which would coherently “demand” wars of conquest in order to justify (or not be seen as stupidity) such a waste of money in weaponry. After all, what to do with so many airplanes, tanks, submarines, machine guns etc.? Use them, of course!

On the other hand, had there been a World Government right after the hostilities of the First World War ended, the Treaty of Versailles probably wouldn´t have been written in the same manner. Hitler wouldn´t have been “born” out of a “natural need”, a poisonous mushroom which grew out of the resentment of a Germany which felt defeated and was treated with extreme rigor by the “Triple Entente”  (England, France and the Russian Empire).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Through the Treaty of Versailles, eight parts of the German territory became part of the neighboring countries. Every German colony became English or French colonies. However, the worst punishment imposed to the defeated Germany was the obligation to pay heavy war reparations, and those were almost impossible to be paid by a country which had already become poorer due to the long war effort.  The Treaty was followed by huge inflation in Germany, along with poverty and riots, and all of this ended up “demanding” for a bold leader who could restore self-esteem to a humiliated nation.

Expanding what has already been said, had there been a World Government in the beginning of the 20th century there wouldn´t have been any of the Great World Wars nor Hitler (at least not as we know him). He might have been a successful architect, maybe a writer, perhaps even a politician acting in lesser dramas.  His emotional “fuel” was enriched by his millions of admirers who wanted to hear exactly what he was shouting at his rallies, something which was helped by a then unknown technique: state propaganda in a huge scale.

Without the strictness of the Treaty of Versailles we wouldn´t have had two decades later the Holocaust. We also wouldn´t have had the creation of the State of Israel, the Palestinian resistance, Osama Bin Laden, the destruction of the Twin Towers, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the nuclear tension with Iran… nor any other tense – and maybe still unknown by now – consequence that might await us unless the world hurries up and creates a superior authority which doesn´t limit itself to “admonish” countries which get along.

Such hope is foolish, naïve. When the “admonishments” are not complied with, it is necessary to act. If the mentally sane part of humankind doesn´t act, the lunatics of all kinds will “take matters into their own hands”, mostly stimulated by the weapons industry, which will rub their hands with joy, hoping for a new and better “golden age”. Advertising, and especially political propaganda, is cleverer by the minute and knows exactly how to make the people think and fear, in this or that way.

 The weapons industry can´t remain exclusively in private hands. A peaceful environment can make them bankrupt. No self-respecting CEO in this area would allow such “tragedy”. A World Government with peaceful purposes would have to treat such people cautiously and carefully, redirecting them to other areas of production, after all an everlasting World Government would have to be democratic, with elections from time to time, and local propaganda shall not cease to exist in a national level. Ameaçada de falência, a indústria armamentista reagiria, com inteligente propaganda, tentando desmoralizar a ideia de um governo mundial.

A minimum of legal force, deriving from a universal legislation, must be employed when moods get too heated up and discussions are paralyzed and adversaries kill each other. In every judicial sentence in the civilized world, once the examinations and reexaminations are over and the sentence becomes definitive, there comes the moment of execution and the use of legal force is legitimized. The same thing shall have to be applied in the area of international justice, which needs to be strengthened so that it doesn´t get demoralized. In the special case of the Middle East — the most complex one nowadays— and considering its urgency, the solution shall have to derive more from fairness and common sense than through the handling of international treaties, some of which are delegitimized by the use of force when they get signed. The Treaty of Versailles, for example, was clearly a “treaty”, but the difference in level of power among the parties involved was huge.    
It is important to remember that it is not enough nowadays to avoid wars between nations. It isn´t enough to have an International Court of Justice with an extended jurisdiction. It is necessary to investigate and treat the reason or reasons that lead to conflict and consequently to war. This is the final result of a situation of extreme discomfort or impoverishment of a nation. A suffering which cannot be solved through a mere “civilized conversation” between nations. Simply preventing an armed conflict is not enough when the friction that led to it has not been dealt with. Thus the interest of this website to discuss the various – and all – problems which, when not dealt with, lead to war (whether within the law or “outlaw”) and terrorism.

The present essay is already too long to be read on a website.  However, a few hundred pages would be needed in order to express everything we wanted. Nevertheless, what would be left to say on a daily basis if everything was said in the introduction of the website?

To wrap things up and bring relief to the dear reader, I reproduce here an anecdote originated in Europe at Gorbatchev´s time and which reflects really well the need for the rational operation of the planet. Two planets with very close trajectories used to talk briefly every time their paths crossed, even without knowing each other´s names. And that kept happening until the moment a cosmic accident separated the planets.

Thousands of years passed and by chance the two planets once again crossed paths. One of them, looking very healthy, was rather honest with the other: — “Hello! It is a pleasure to see you again! However, I cannot help but notice your skin looks terrible. What´s the matter? Is it erysipelas, leprosy, syphilis, mycosis, skin cancer or what?” — To which the other planet replies, “Tell me about it! I´ve had appointments with the best cosmic dermatologists and none of them could help me.... I don´t know which ointment to use anymore”. — The healthy planet takes a closer look and says, — “Hold on, I know what you have... I´ve already had this damned plague! You don´t need to seek treatment because it will go away on its own. It is caused by naughty germs who eat one another. In half a century you will be cured and clean. Well, I feel like we´re getting away from each other, it´s a new route, you know… See you in half a century and you then tell me if I was right. So long!” — “Wait! I never knew your name!” shouted the sick planet when seeing the other one pull apart. To which the other one shouted: — “My name is Earth! I´m Planet Earth!”

Before our old malady, “unlimited and irresponsible sovereignty”, destroys us — or else extends ancient suffering —, we shall examine one by one on this website the components of this world medication – which has nothing to do with Satanism, Illuminati, Bilderberg Club, global dictatorship, world domain by the United States, compulsory unification of religions or any other deformity which taint such an important theme.

It´s not that such “mysterious schemes” don´t exist. They do exist, of course, but their role in the building of a better world will have zero value, or merely a little more than that. For now, such “secret conspiracies” are nothing more than child´s play.

To say that what we propose is utopic is too superficial. Hundreds of advancements in technology, science of the matter and social science have, at some point, been considered utopic. Is the reader pleased with the general aspect of the world? If not, do you know how to change that?

This is where we stop, grateful for the (exhausted) attention of every lady and gentleman, intelligent and curious. The elite of the countries.

São Paulo, August 19, 2014.
Francisco Cesar Pinheiro Rodrigues

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