Sunday, July 29, 2012

Russia and China are rigth by vetoing sanctions to Syria

This bold negation is one of the few cases when the use of a veto showed itself as virtuous at the UN´s Security Council. 

The bad faith of USA, Israel, France and England is an affront, data venia, to our intelligence when, at the UN´s Security Council, they distort (childishly, one might say) what the Charter of the United Nations says in its Chapter 7, articles 41 and 42, by answering to interests which are merely strategical and political — especially with regards to Israel.  

The representatives of those countries start from the premise – very clear to them – that the planet is made of ignorant and semi-illiterate people who don´t even bother to read what the aforementioned Charter clearly states. The Charter is being falsely used as legal grounds for the deposition of Syria´s president, someone who is a loyal political ally of Iran. Once the Syrian government is undermined, Lebanon will be subject – whenever it is deemed convenient by Netanyahu´s “hawks” -  to an occupation by Israeli troops without much resistance from Hezbollah, an entity which is currently supported by the Syrian government.  

In summation, the fall of Assad shall be a triple victory to the current Israeli government, since it would eliminate three of its adversaries: Hezbollah, Syria and, afterwards, Iran, which has already started to be economically suffocated. Also, there will be an additional advantage – the fourth one: deflecting the world´s attention from the need to create the Palestinian State. In the current pre-war tension in relation to Syria and Iran, “there is no atmosphere for talks regarding a distinct border separating Israel from a future Palestinian State, isn´t that right?” Thus, under Netanyahu´s diplomacy, the “lack of timing and environment” for the talks with the Palestinian Authority shall be justified. 

Once Bashar Assad is deposed from power, the political turmoil which will take place in the country for months or even years — as can be witnessed nowadays in Egypt and Libya —, Iran will be even more isolated and weakened in its pretension to contain Israel´s thirst for regional dominance, as it already has military, conventional and atomic dominance. With the pretext of the fear of an Iranian nuclear attack — something which is not only almost impossible but also remote, considering that in such an attack millions of Palestinian Arabs would also die due to the physical proximity — the Israeli government hopes to benefit from the “Arab Spring”, believing with good reason that by “hunting” Bashar Assad the new Syrian government which would succeed him would be different, at least with respect to Iran. If Israel firmly supports the people who are now revolting, it will demand some political retribution afterwards in exchange for the help. 

Chapter 7 of the Charter of the United Nations talks about “ACTION WITH RESPECT TO THREATS TO THE PEACE, BREACHES OF THE PEACE, AND ACTS OF AGGRESSION” — among countries, evidently! - and not between a government and revolting people inside the same country. When article 40 mentions “parties concerned”, it obviously refers to “countries” and not to internal political forces, such as Syria´s case, as well as Libya’s previous situation. When NATO´s airplanes gave aerial support and technical ground assistance to the revolting Libyans, Libya was neither at war nor threatening to invade any country. Nevertheless, it was attacked, partly in an oblique way, with the excuse of defending human rights. Even the noblest aspirations can be perverted by political interests. 

It is certain that Gaddafi was a dictator, but the mere fact that a country is ruled by a dictator does not authorize other countries to depose him. It is even possible that a local population is satisfied with a strong rule and perhaps fears that a different government, supported by other powers-that-be, might make things worse, even if in a more democratic way. Has there been, by any chance, a public poll in Syria — made by an international entity — in order to know the level of approval or disapproval of? The answer is no.  

Let´s suppose that more than half of Syria´s population supported Assad´s government before the internal conflicts and consequential fights. What is the legitimacy that other nations have to freeze Syrian financial resources deposited abroad? 

Let´s imagine — only imagine — that in Israel the government became dictatorial for any given reason — even for safety issues — and that part of its population revolted against this through street riots, which were then followed by repression. Question: would it be possible for other countries, especially the Arabs, to “strangle” Israel by forbidding its foreign trade and threatening its existence through bellicose interventions? Any Israeli lawyer would say that such interventions, whether economical or military, would be a violation of Israel´s sovereignty. That is exactly what has been happening with Syria, with a false reading of the articles from the Charter of the United Nations. 

Has there been a partial rebellion – partial, nonetheless — of Syria´s population against a dictatorial regime which started at the time of Bashar Assad´s father? Yes. But wouldn´t it be reproachable for the government to violently repress such manifestations? Yes, if such manifestations were really peaceful. In order to know this, it would have been necessary to have most speeches from that time recorded. Once the physical conflict between the revolting people and the government started, there were hundreds of deaths in both sides.  

In the American Civil War, in which the South wanted to segregate from the North, there was a great carnage, with about 600.000 dead people. The conflict lasted 5 years, from 1861 to 1865, and the country was ruined. Nevertheless, no other country interfered in the conflict, respecting local sovereignty. They thought: “It is up to the Americans to decide if the nation shall be divided or not into two parts”. This respect for sovereignty is being violated these days by attempts to crush the only two countries — Syria and Iran — that try to contain the predominance of a regional atomic power which has decided to keep the nuclear monopoly in the region and unfortunately is being led with arrogance by its current government. Do I need to mention any names? 

Let´s imagine that, when George W. Bush was elected with all that controversy surrounding the decision about the recount in Florida, Al Gore, the candidate of the Democrats, did not accept the defeat, deeming it suspicious, and an internal conflict, similar to a civil war, started from that resulting in hundreds of deaths. Would it be licit — we might ask — for China and other countries to vote sanctions and possible armed interventions against America, with the grounds of avoiding a civil war in American soil? Any American would consider this a tremendous absurd. However, that is exactly what they are trying to do to Syria these days. 

In international politics it is always advisable to suspect the words of the speakers from the countries which are interested in intervening in foreign internal conflicts. The USA, the guardian of democracy, was never interested in restoring democracy in Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina in their so-called “lead years”. Why? Because it wasn´t in the “American interest” that leftist government spread all over South America in a time when the Soviet Union was powerful and a threat. They perfectly knew about all the violent repression performed by the military governments, which even tortured dissidents, and did nothing to depose such governments. It all depends on the current interest, and not on the concept of democracy. This, by the way, is a word that has a very elastic meaning, so much so that countries from Eastern Europe which were under Stalin’s domain were called “Democratic Republics”. Occupied Germany, for example, was self-proclaimed “Democratic Republic of Germany”. 

Even though I am in favor of a future world government in which each country yields part of its own sovereignty to a central world government — avoiding the use of force to solve quarrels between states — the unquestionable fact is that today, in the current legal conformity of the world, sovereignty is still the rule. This means that it is up to each country to decide by itself how to structure its own government. If, for example, Brazil decided to restore monarchy, become a socialist country or an extreme rightist, other countries would not be able to impose sanctions against such decisions because sovereignty is in the people, and not in the opinion of other governments. All these things I am saying are elementary. But this “elementary” is being violated right now at the Security Council. 

What astonishes the most in this deformity of what´s written in the Charter of the United Nations is that such interpretations are given by diplomats with many years of study (as well as sophisms). The current American representative in the Security Council, Susan Rice — not related to Condoleezza Rice — got to the point of saying that if voted by the Security Council, the application of article 42 of the Charter — the one which supposedly allows for a military intervention in Syria —, such intervention would not occur. It would be a mere threat, something of a “paranoid nature” — in the words of the illustrious interpreter of the Charter of the United Nations —, the Russian argument against the approval of new sanctions. We might ask: if there is an authorization of an armed intervention, why assume that such an authorization would not be used after all the effort used to obtain it? 

With or without international lawfulness, everything points to the conclusion that Bashar Assad will be deposed, maybe even “hunted” Gaddafi-style if he doesn´t escape in time. Due to his own lack of ability — a man with little political talent who should have insisted with his father to have the right to follow optometry, the career he had previously chosen —, the situation reached a point where a diplomatic solution is no longer possible. The impression he gives is that he has a tendency to delegate the unpleasant tasks, such as the task to deal with “impolite” rebels. The delegation of responsibilities in the command of governments is inevitable but can be fatal if used without criteria because the delegates can abuse violence when they are sure they will not be held accountable for their own actions and decisions. 

The movement against  Bashar has grown too much, and in politics what counts is the version, not the fact. Even in international politics, this haven – or zoo – of fallacies. When a ship starts to sink, rats and passengers flee. If a fall is almost certain, changing sides becomes worthy because there will always be a place or position in the winning side. With or without legal reason, it is more than probable that Assad will be dethroned and the creation of a Palestinian State will be postponed to a distant and uncertain future. 

So that the reader can take his or her own conclusions regarding the articles of the Charter of the United Nations related to the real civil war which is currently happening in Syria, they are transcribed below, as found on the internet. As you can see, the traditional concept of sovereignty is still in place. 

Article 39

The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Article 40

In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures.

Article 41

The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.

Article 42

Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations.

Article 43

1.     All Members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.

(July 23, 2012)

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